
How Do You Upload To Lotw On A Mac

MacLoggerDX Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Manual ?

Select MacLoggerDX Help from the Help menu and it volition display the top level assist screen. macOS looks for the help files contained in the app in the Applications folder.

There is an online reference manual here which is also bachelor nether the MacLoggerDX File menu and is updated several times a week - much more oft than a PDF could exist published. This is a reference guide - not a user manual with step-by-step instructions.

Virtually of the controls will display tool tips that describe what they exercise when you lot mouse over them.

If you lot don't find an answer to your questions here in the FAQ or in the user videos on YouTube then please refer your question to i of the back up electronic mail reflectors. There are lots of knowledgeable people at that place who tin help you:

  • MacLoggerDX Google Grouping
  • Dog Park List

I can't connect to my radio, what now ?

Enable the Debug Log check box in the Radio prefs panel, restart MacLoggerDX, effort to connect to the radio with the Radio console check box and then from the File menu select Evidence Debug Log to examine information technology or select Email Debug Log to send it to us. Delight include a screen shot of your Radio prefs in the e-mail.

I'm non a figurer skillful, how do I configure all this ?

You don't have to exist a calculator expert to configure and run MacLoggerDX merely nosotros do presume that as a Ham, you are somewhat technically inclined and able to operate your Mac. Introductory teaching on the Mac hardware and macOS are widely available on the internet and are beyond the telescopic of our documentation and support.

I'm getting a "Tin can't write to MacLoggerDX Log Folder" error, how can I ready this ?

If macOS asked for permission for MacLoggerDX to admission the Documents binder etc. and you answered �No� then you tin later allow this in the Organisation Preferences / Security & Privacy / Privacy panel Files and Folders.

The BitDefender Anti-Ransomware Safe Files option tin as well generate file access errors - even if yous add MacLoggerDX to it'south list of Trusted Applications with the Awarding Access button. Turn off the BitDefender Safe Files option - macOS already has this covered.

file access

How do I report a bug or a crash ?

  • Send us a clarification of the problem and the steps required to reproduce it reliably, if nosotros tin can reproduce it - we tin set up it.
  • If information technology'due south a crash please send the trace-dorsum, if it'south unexpected behavior transport a screen shot.
  • If information technology's a radio or rotor problem enable the Debug Log check box in the Radio or Rotor prefs - if not disable both.
  • When yous encounter the problem, select Email Debug Log from the File carte and include a description and any screenshots in the generated email.
  • If MacLoggerDX exits before you tin can practice this, the debug logs are saved in ~/Documents/MLDX_Logs/debug_log_files/.

How do I log a QSO ?

Enter a phone call sign in the DX console Phone call field, printing render to practice a Look Up and then press the Log QSO push. All the data in your DX or Contest console for that QSO will exist entered into the log .

I sometimes forget to do a lookup before I log a QSO and log stale data, how do I avoid this ?

Use the Log bill of fare command Log QSO and Clear Fields to prevent dried data being logged. Yous tin can set your ain keyboard shortcut for this or utilize the default.

LoTW is reporting "No Records to Upload",  what does that mean ?

If LoTW returns an error, MacLoggerDX will display a short error description in an Error Alert or Notification. Longer error descriptions tin can exist constitute in the Debug Log.

When an error occurs, select Evidence Debug Log from the File menu and view the file, or select E-mail Debug Log from the File card to send it to us.

Where is my Log file ?

You tin can open a new log file anywhere you want on your Mac but the default log file is your_home_directory/Documents/MLDX_Logs/MacLoggerDX.sql.

Don't forget to support your log file every day - just as you would whatever other important data on your reckoner.

The current log is displayed in the File Bill of fare/Open Recent sub-menu and in Log panel.

If you are having problem finding your log file, make sure you haven't accidentally moved it to iCloud with Desktop & Documents Folders sharing.

MacLoggerDX accesses a lot of files in your Documents folder - not only your logs, and so we recommend that you not motility your entire Documents folder to iCloud:
Organisation Preferences / AppleID / iCloud Bulldoze / Options / Desktop & Documents Folders.

You can shop your log file on your LAN, in your DropBox, Google Bulldoze or iCloud Bulldoze binder and have your changes instantly available on multiple Macs. Copy your electric current Log file in the Finder to your Shared/DropBox/Google Bulldoze folder and Open up Log File... from the MacLoggerDX File Card (Make sure yous don't try and change your log from more than one location at in one case, you may also experience synchronization errors if there are problems with your Internet connection).

If you have multiple operating locations with associated telephone call signs, prefixes, LoTW locations, Grid squares etc. you can set up several Mac user accounts with different MacLoggerDX preferences and utilise the Mac fast switcher to switch between them. This can be washed with split up logs for each account or 1 shared log.

You tin accept multiple logs and switch between them - File menu New Log File, Open Log File and Open up Recent...

If you operate with multiple Call signs or prefixes, you tin can store your QSO's in dissimilar log files or all in the same log file since your Statio n prefs Call Sign is stored in each QSO logged every bit My Call.

If yous create any Note files they will be stored in the ~/Documents/MLDX_Logs/note_files/ folder based on Spot or QSO call sign, for example VE3VRW notes.txt.

Where is the Log file fill-in procedure ?

There isn't one. Fill-in is an operating system function not an application feature but it is easy to practice in a number of ways...

  • Use Time Auto which is congenital into every Mac to dorsum up the log automatically.
  • Keep your log in your DropBox, iCloud, or Google Drive folder which is backed up automatically.
  • Select Prove Log from the File menu and it volition highlight your log file in the Finder and you tin drag it to your Backup deejay or Thumb Drive.
  • Y'all can also select Compress Log from the File menu and it will highlight the compressed .nil file of your log in the Finder and you tin drag it to your Fill-in deejay or Thumb Bulldoze.

How can I quickly enter old paper logs and QSL card QSOs into MacLoggerDX ?

Select Speed Log from the File Menu and enter them in the dialog.

I just received a notification that my debug log had grown to 47 MB. What should I exercise ?

You tin can ignore it, or you can plow off the Radio and Rotor preferences Debug Log bank check boxes and restart the application. We never purge an open debug log, but we do outset a new one and purge the old ones each fourth dimension you restart the awarding. Some users were running the application 24/7, leaving the Debug Log cheque boxes enabled and filling upwards their hard drives.

How practise I create a Cabrillo file after a contest or Field Day ?

Most people use a defended Contest Logger like N1MM or SkookumLogger for serious battling and consign their contest logs back into MacLoggerDX later on submission.

MacLoggerDX is a general purpose logger merely it can be used for casual contesting. Substitution data logged in MacLoggerDX during the contest and exported to

ADIF is mail candy past CabConverter into a Cabrillo file for submission to the contest sponsor. There are detailed instructions for each contest included with the CabConverter programme. There is an Introduction video showing how to install and apply CabConverter. It is of import to set upwardly before the contest considering CabConverter does all the heavy lifting creating the Cabrillo file.

MacLoggerDX provides the logged QSO substitution data via the exported ADIF file but it is CabConverter that processes the QSOs according to the contest recipe, so the exchange data needs to be logged in MacLoggerDX in the way that CabConverter is expecting it.

How do I move MacLoggerDX from ane Mac to another ?

The macOS Migration assistant should take intendance of your Log, settings and credentials but LoTW / TQSL needs to be moved according to the ARRL instructions�

Equally a fall-back...

  • Accept screen shots of all your MacLoggerDX Prefs panels on the old Mac.
  • Download MacLoggerDX on the new Mac and enter your call sign and registration number.
  • Set your prefs on the new Mac and quit MacLoggerDX.
  • Motility your log file(s) from the old mac to the new Mac using your LAN, removable media or email and place them in the same relative spots on your new Mac.
  • Motion any files you have customized (band plan, keyer macros etc.) from the old Mac to the new.
  • Start MacLoggerDX on the new Mac and open the log file you desire to use from the File carte.

Moving the prefs file is not supported, or for the faint of heart, but your MacLoggerDX preferences reside in this file: your_home_directory/Library/Preferences/com.dogparksoftware.MacLoggerDX.plist.

How do I Merge Logs?

You tin merge whatsoever log into any other log.
Simply use ADIF when transferring between MacLoggerDX and other software programs.

  • Select the log that is going to hold everything with File menu Open Log File...
  • Merge any other log file into it with the File carte Merge Log File... control.
    (it will prompt you to select the log file to merge in).

How do I upload my QSOs to LoTW, Club Log, eQSL, QRZ Logbook and HRDLOG ?

MacLoggerDX supports all the popular logbooks with standard ADIF files. QSO's can be exported to ADIF, signed (using the ARRL supplied applications) and uploaded to LoTW. MacLoggerDX uses LoTW and eQSL ADIF confirmation files to update the QSL Received status of your logged QSOs (See the Confirm QSOs with ADIF File... Menu command under the Log Menu).

MacLoggerDX supports on-demand LoTW and eQSL confirmations where QSL Received is time stamped when QSOs are matched, and real-time upload of your QSO's to LoTW, eQSL, Guild Log, QRZ Logbook,and HRDLOG when they are logged, optionally, QSL Sent tin be time stamped for each QSO uploaded. Individual QSOs can be uploaded and confirmations requested in the Log panel contextual (right-click) menu.

LoTW, QRZ Logbook, Order Log, eQSL and HRDLOG are all configured in the MacLoggerDX Await Up prefs.

If QSO upload or confirmation errors occur, MacLoggerDX will display brusk mistake descriptions in the Look Up prefs error status field for each service and in an Error Alert or Notification . Longer mistake descriptions can exist plant in the Debug Log or in the example ofConfirmations in a popup error window. If you do not have the preferences configured correctly or there is another problem with the QSOs you lot are trying to upload, theDebug Log will tell you what the error is.

When an fault occurs, select Testify Debug Log from the File menu and view the file, or select Electronic mail Debug Log from the File bill of fare to send it to united states.

A confirmations log is also kept in your ~/Documents/MLDX_Logs/adif_confirmations folder.

How come up at that place is but one QSO in my exported ADIF file ?

The Consign ADIF... File Menu command will export the QSOs selected in the Log Panel or if none are selected, the entire log.

How come there are no dx cluster spots plotted on my 2D map ?

Enable the 2D Map Prefs DX Spots/Evidence Spots and Prove Spot Labels check boxes and enter 1000 in the Max Number of Spots field.
The log spots displayed are also affected by the search criteria you lot have gear up in the log panel.

I accept but imported some QSO'south and a lot of the fields are empty (Band TX, Band RX, DXCC). Do I accept to enter those all manually ?

No, Select Update Selected Log Entries from the Log Menu and the missing fields will be filled in. This will perform an Net Call Book look upward for all selected log entries and add the found data to whatever blank fields in the entry, 1 at a time. This will ONLY update empty fields (or "0" in the case of DXCC), it will never overwrite existing data. MacLoggerDX will postal service an alert if you lot try to process more than 250 QSOs at once merely the actual number that are practical to update at one time will depend on your Mac, OS version, your Telephone call Book service and your Cyberspace Connection speed. Go on in mind that some Call Book servers will throttle their response if you overload them.

How does MacLoggerDX determine the Map position for a call/prefix ?

The Locator field in the DX and Contest Panels will tell you what Geolocation method MacLoggerDX has used for each lookup:

  • Locator: State: MacLoggerDX resolves all call signs to the DXCC country level using the data published in the ARRL Operating guide.
  • Then information technology resolves specific prefix based locations...
    • Locator: Call.ex - exact match with internal db or previous cached lookup.
    • Locator: - best match with other calls.
    • Locator: - prefix match with prefix bearing file.
  • Locator: Zip: QRZ, HamCall or lookup may provide a nothing code which tin be resolved to United states post function.
  • Locator: City: If the metropolis is known and establish the latitude and longitude can be resolved.
  • Locator: Log GS: If the call is in your log, that location data is institute in a lookup.
  • If QRZ, HamCall or Net Lookup is enabled and if there is geolocation data provided on the Internet this will be used:
    • Locator: iNet LL, iNet G: this is ordinarily accurate since the operator has provided this information himself.
  • Locator: SOTA : If the dxcluster spot includes a valid SOTA reference MacLoggerDX will translate this to a grid reference.
  • Locator: WSJT : Grid Square supplied past WSJT-Ten message with precision enhanced by Phone call Book if the first iv digits concur.
  • If you have Include Comments enabled in the Lookup Prefs, and then qrzloc: in the Notes field will prove you where QRZ XML got information technology�south data (user, dxcc, zip, etc).

How tin can I customize my list of dxclusters and commands ?

In the downloaded Sample Files folder edit the dxcommands.dat and/or dxclusters.dat files and place them/it in ~/Documents/MLDX_Logs and restart MacLoggerDX.
This volition also piece of work for the CW Keyer Macros in cwmacros.dat.

How do I log a POTA reference ?

MacLoggerDX does not include any fields in the log that cannot be imported/exported to ADIF.
You can still use the SIG (special interest group) tags in the Comments field to export POTA ADIF references.
MY_SIG:POTA, MY_SIG_INFO:designator (of the park that y'all activated), SIG_INFO:designator (of the other park for park-to-park contacts).

Do I have to use Preview to print my QSL cards ?

No, MacLoggerDX creates a standard .png file named "MacLoggerDX_qsl_to_CALLSIGN.png", places it in your "~/Documents/MLDX_Logs/" folder and then asks Preview to brandish it simply y'all could print the file from whatever application.

What is the "Consign Google KML File..." File Card command for ?

MacLoggerDX can export your Log to a Google KML file which will display your logged QSLs in Google Globe Pro. Simply drag the exported KML file onto Google Earth Pro and y'all will see all your logged QSOs displayed on the Google 3D Map.

What do the color codes mean ?

Color Codes:

Log Tabular array, Awards Tables:

  • Red - QSL Sent simply not yet received.
  • Green - QSL Received.
  • Black - QSL neither sent nor received.
  • Grey - QSL Sent field set to "I" for Ignore or DXCC ID is equal to zero.

DX Panel: Call, Mode (dxcc), Ring (dxcc), Grid (first 4 grapheme), ITU, DXCC, CQ Zone, IOTA, Land Text Color Spots, Cluster (dxcc) and History (dxcc) Panels:

  • Brown - Worked but Not Confirmed.
  • Green - Worked and Confirmed.
  • Blood-red - Not Worked.
  • Blueish - Manual Lookups (Spots and History Panels).

Spots on 2nd Map and Bands Panel:

  • Scarlet - Less than 5 minutes old.
  • Yellowish - Between v and 30 minutes old.
  • Gray - Older than 30 minutes.
  • Spots older than viii hours are removed.

2d Map Marking Shapes:

  • Box - Internet or Log Grid Square.
  • Circumvolve - Cyberspace Latitude and Longitude.
  • Cross - Call sign database.
  • Ten - City database.
  • Z - Us Zip Code database.

The Log prefs allow you lot to change the default colors for Confirmed, Un-Confirmed and Worked QSOs .You can change the System Preferences / General / Accent color if you don't like the outcome on the selected row in the table panels. You can also choose between Lite and Dark Windows in the Station prefs.

How do I change the radio VFO from the keyboard ?

Select Focus VFO from the Shortcuts menu, or click on the large frequency display and then press tab. Don't forget to enable All Controls in the System Preferences/Keyboard & Mouse/Keyboard Shortcuts Panel.

The VFO stepper up/downwardly arrows volition change the radio VFO 10 Hz upwardly or downwardly with each click of the keyboard upward/down arrows, or you can set up the Griffin PowerMate to send up/downwardly arrow clicks.

With the Shift Key Pressed the frequency will change 100 Hz up or down.
With the Command Cardinal Pressed the frequency volition change ane KHz up or down.
With the Option Primal Pressed the frequency will change 10 KHz up or downward.
With the Control Key Pressed the frequency volition change 100 KHz up or down.

Yous can also position the mouse pointer over the VFO Stepper or Band Panel Sliders and utilize the mouse whorl cycle or Magic mouse curlicue surface to scrub the frequency upwardly and downwardly.

What is the Modes prefs panel for ?

The Radio panel Mode popup reflects what mode the radio is really fix to (CW, USB, LSB, USB-D etc.)
Y'all can change the mode mapping of USB-D to FT8 (or annihilation else) with the mode mapping pref and when you select USB-D from the fashion popup information technology volition display and log equally FT8.
If you want to assign specific modes to specific bands or sub-bands so edit the sample band program delivered with MacLoggerDX and add the actual radio modes desired for each sub-band and select it in the Band Program Prefs.

Editing the Way text in the DX panel will automatically adjust the mapping so that your change volition "stick" until you edit it once again or alter the Mode Mapping in the Prefs..

  • Your Band Plan maps the frequency to a native radio fashion (i.eastward. 14.074 - > USB-D).
  • Mode Mapping maps the native radio mode to a display and logging mode (i.eastward. USB-D -> FT8).

How come Wait Up doesn't work ?

Make sure you take the Call Volume popup set up to QRZ XML (or the Call Book of your choice), your business relationship is upwardly to date and your Username and Password are correctly ready.

Does MacLoggerDX work with FlexRadio SmartLink ?

Non directly, but MacLoggerDX tin can log remote SmartLink-ed Flex radios through dogparkSDR . If the Tune MLDX check box is enabled in the Radio prefs, MacLoggerDX volition automatically track the active slice frequency and way without being connected to the radio. This tin be usefull when working a remote radio through SmartLink since MacLoggerDX will not need a radio connection of it'southward ain and volition log the frequency and fashion sent to information technology by dogparkSDR.

If I use the carve up function in MacLoggerDX, the log records the tx and rx frequencies simply when I ready split from the radio front end console, the log only records the receive frequency ?

Some radios do not study split status or split up frequency then that MacLoggerDX only knows virtually split for those radios if it is prepare from within the program.

What are caches and how do I get rid of them ?

MacLoggerDX caches or stores the QRZ Online QSL pictures and the Lookup data for varying periods of time to reduce the load on your net connection and speed things up. If you desire to see a modify you have fabricated to the Online lookup data or your QSL picture show immediately only exercise a manual lookup (enter the call and press return) which volition bypass the cache or quit MacLoggerDX and rename or delete this binder:


You lot can also selectively remove one or more than stale buried thumbnails from ~/Library/Caches/com.dogparksoftware.MacLoggerDX/Buried Thumb Pics by dragging them to the trash.

Selecting Remove Onetime QSL images from the Due south h ortc uts menu will remove any QSL pictures and thumbnails older than one year from the enshroud.

I'yard using MacLoggerDX without a continued radio. How do I get the frequency and mode data into the log without manually correcting each entry ?

With no radio connected, whatever you enter in the DX/Contest Panel Frequency, Way and Band text edit fields will be logged, these fields will stick until they are changed.

Why doesn't MacLoggerDX save the QRZ URL for Bios in the Log?

MacLoggerDX doesn�t save the URL when it is a QRZ bio with a session key, since the session key will somewhen expire and not be valid in the hereafter. If you click on the bio url in the DX panel and printing return, your spider web browser will be redirected to the station'southward QRZ bio.

How do I Uninstall MacLoggerDX ?

MacLoggerDX doesn�t install any organization extenstions so removing it from your Mac is adequately elementary:

  • Delete the MacLoggerDX application in the Applications folder.
  • After you have archived or exported your log file delete the MLDX_Logs folder in your Documents folder.
  • Delete all the com.dogparksoftware.MacLoggerDX files in your_home_directory/Library/Preferences binder.

How practice I Upgrade from MacLoggerDX V5 ?

If your registration was for Version 5 information technology will nevertheless work with Version v.

Version half-dozen.0 was released Dec 18, 2015.

If you lot registered MacLoggerDX Version 5 before November 1st 2014, you are not eligible for the complimentary or discounted Version 6 upgrade.

Version six can be purchased using the PayPal Purchase Now button on the MacLoggerDX web folio.

 ... or y'all tin can wait to upgrade until there is something in V6 that you need.

If you need to re-install Version five.63 You tin download information technology hither:


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